Navitasoft is the developer of Energy Market of Things ( platform, which aims to lower energy market entry barrier for small capacity distributed energy resources (e.g.: residential roof top solar, small-scale battery, heat pumps, EV chargers etc.), as well as enable an efficient participation in demand side response markets. Similarly, to Fintech revolution, EMoT aims to enable energy market access for small capacity asset owners to generate market-based revenue. They can offer capacities, set their prices, or accept price offerings. The network operators benefit from pooled, and aggregated assets to call for demand side response or other balancing services. On the other hand, aggregators, virtual power plant operators and traders benefit from listed, categorized by type and qualified pool of available assets and their locations, thus, significantly reducing the integration costs of these assets into their portfolio.
Since 2008 Navitasoft provides energy business software solutions and IT consultancy for the regulated electricity and gas market players such as transmission system operators, storage system operators, energy traders, shippers, and regulators. The company also provides production and battery optimisation, as well as intraday algotrading solutions besides traditional power plants, for aggregators and virtual power plant operators as well. Navitasoft software solutions are used in 16 countries, and by 8 transmission system operators.
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