Archives: Campaigns

Why flexible consumers matter

Modern and efficient fossil fuel solutions are still more attractive for most European citizens. The benefits of a smart electrification need to be part of the political discussions, as a way to protect them from extreme situations and cost-effectively contribute

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In 100 days, we can: We’re excited that European Commission President von der Leyen’s Mission Letter to the new Energy Commissioner-Designate Dan Jørgensen, calls for an Electrification Action Plan! Now, within its first 100 days, the new European Commission must

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Active Buildings

The Active buildings: game-changing energy consumers campaign aims to showcase how buildings can reduce their carbon footprint and become zero-emission through a flexible use of clean energy. Active buildings can be real game-changers in helping the EU achieve its decarbonisation

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#Flex That Demand

#FlexThatDemand: Empowering Flexibility, Empowering You #FlexThatDemand isn’t just a hashtag—it’s a call to action. By flexing our collective, Flexible Demand Management Industry power, we are not only reshaping energy systems but also putting end consumers in control. Demand-side flexibility allows

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