2024 European Market Monitor on Demand-Side Flexibility

Unlock the secrets to maximising demand-side flexibility (DSF) opportunities in our upcoming webinar, “2024 European Market Monitor on Demand-Side Flexibility,” presented by LCP Delta and smartEn. This webinar marks the launch of the 6th annual edition, offering trusted insights into Europe’s evolving flexibility markets.

An overarching theme in our conversation this year focuses on the increasing need to valorise DSF assets in wholesale markets and the untapped potential of residential flexibility. Currently, access to wholesale markets remains largely inaccessible for independent flexibility providers, with significant change needed from Governments and Regulators across most European markets—except in France and Great Britain, which are paving the way.

On the residential side, progress is clear, with dynamic electricity tariffs engaging customers more effectively and innovative propositions emerging from energy retailers, asset OEMs, and specialist software providers.

• In-depth insights into accessibility of DSF in ancillary and DSO markets across Europe.

• Strategies for leveraging wholesale participation and valorising flexibility assets, supported by our new interactive market maps.

• Real-world examples for identifying emerging DSF opportunities, including residential flexibility innovations, by 2030.

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