We believe that Flexible Energy is the next evolutionary step towards a decentralized sustainable powered energy grid. The transition to Flexible Energy requires a paradigm shift in how we consume energy: from demand driven to supply driven. Or simply put; if the sun shines turn on your washing machine, if the wind blows charge your battery…

However the transition to this new model is extremely complex. It requires businesses to rethink their business models, it also requires a smarter grid, a new set of regulations, standardization and most importantly it requires awareness amongst all stakeholders in the ecosystem. FLEXCON brings together parties form all over the world interested in flexible energy to share ideas, solutions, best practices, new developments and more.

FLEXCON2022 is a two-day conference dedicated to Energy Flexibility. In 2017, 2018 and 2020 participants from all over the world joined our workshops and conferences.

Each day of FLEXCON2022 aims to highlights specific Smart Energy related topics, with keynote speeches, presentations, and workshops. Each day ends with drinks, networking and informal discussions, and on day 1 there is a networking dinner for sponsors and other invitees.

You can buy your tickets here

Draft Agenda

Day 1

  • Track 1: Energy Systems Interactions
  • Track 2: Data, Enabling Technologies, Interoperability
  • Track 3: Smart Energy Workshops

Day 2

  • Track 1: Commercial and Industrial Scale Solutions
  • Track 2: E-Mobility, Smart Charging & V2X
  • Track 3: Smart Energy Workshops
  • Startups and Idea Pitching



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