The ITRE Committee’s scrutiny of the Electricity Regulation and Directive is the opportunity to align legislation to the emerging flexible, competitive and environmentally-friendly energy system of the future. Within the Market Design package, the SEDC advocates for the general market principles of equal treatment for all solutions and all players. This means non-discriminatory market access for demand response and storage alongside generation, in all organised markets, and the fair treatment of new market entrants and new service providers, alongside established, traditional actors.
From households and SMEs, to large industrial customers; the functioning of the energy markets should allow every consumer the possibility to save money on their bills, to earn money through selling their flexibility, to reduce costs for the entire system, and to play an active role in the energy transition.
Unlocking flexibility in the system could collectively save national governments billions of Euros each year both in terms of reduced network investments and on the generation side. It will contribute to security of supply and reduce dependency on imports from third countries. It will help to integrate more renewables into the energy mix, matching consumer demand to their variable generation.