
V2Market incorporates EV Batteries into the electricity system as storage and flexibility capacity using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and Vehicle-to Building (V2B) technology.


The consortium brings together; market operator, green electricity supplier,  aggregators, public entities, and electric vehicle fleets that willing to harness new opportunities for electric vehicle users when using V2G services. Hence, it combines all the relevant actors of the value chain to define the role and contractual mechanisms of a new role: the demand aggregator, and its possible interactions with the other stakeholders: Electric Vehicles owners, and those interested in flexibility (DSO, TSO, BRP).

V2Market tackles system efficiency and uses big data and price forecasting ICT tools to extract the maximum value from pools of EVs.

The V2Market services will be tested in real life conditions in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.

This project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101033686

Consortium members

SmartEn contributions

    • smartEn leads communication activities, dissemination and exploitation of the project results. It contributes to enhance networking with sister projects and the dissemination with policy makers and stakeholders at European level.


Guide to V2G and V2B basics for (future) EV owners


Guide to V2G and V2B basics for aggregators

D8.5 Policy Paper with  recommendations to  facilitate the deployment of V2X

Project Videos


1 999 857€



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