Open coalition letter on the future of the ePrivacy Regulation
The undersigned Associations - smartEn, EER, ESMIG, Eurelectric, EHPA, and SolarPower Europe - welcome the European efforts to clarify important data protection rules with the ePrivacy Regulation...
Future climate and energy policy – a Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions
Climate change is happening and without further global action to mitigate it, temperatures will rise within this century well beyond a 2°Celsius compared to pre-industrial times. This will have...
Open letter to EU28 Energy Ministers: the National Energy and Climate Plans is an opportunity to set a national objective for increasing system flexibility
An open letter to all EU28 Energy Ministers to urge them to set a national objective for increasing system flexibility when drafting their Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (INECPs)...
Open letter on the value of decentralised demand-side flexibility and storage – a clean, flexible and efficient energy supply for all
On the occasion of the upcoming Informal Energy Council and the High-Level Energy Conference “Charge for Change” in Linz on 17/18 September, smartEn and 5 other associations have sent an open letter...
Common Energy Sector Statement: Keeping EU energy and emissions markets protected from VAT fraud beyond 2018
Eighteen representative associations of the energy sector call on the Council, and in particular the Austrian Council Presidency, to keep the EU's energy and emissions market protected from VAT...
Implementation framework for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation
We understand that pricing will be covered in a different document. However, since this consultation only refers to article 30 of the EBGL regarding pricing issues, and as there is not enough...
Implementation framework for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation
smartEn acknowledges that a ramping period is physically needed, since no technology can instantly go from 0 to 10 MW. This is an issue that the TSOs must deal with when designing products. The...
2nd smartEn recommendations for Smart Readiness Indicator – June 2018
The present document outlines the position and key recommendations of smartEn to the Second Progress Report by the VITO consortium on the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) for buildings. smartEn...
smartEn recommendations to the proposed “Mandate to CEPT on spectrum for the future railway mobile communication system”
The key to a decarbonised, flexible and decentralized energy market is the widespread availability of production, storage, and consumption data. In many cases, these data sources are located “behind...
European businesses at the forefront of the energy transition call for an ambitious Energy Union Governance
Our organisations are committed to delivering a clean energy future for Europe. To achieve this goal, we call on European policy-makers to agree on a Governance Regulation that mirrors the ambition...
Response to consultation on the EU framework for taxation of energy products and electricity
In order to reach European decarbonisation targets, it is imperative that all technologies, including renewable energy, demand response, and storage are able to participate in the energy transition...
smartEn response to ENTSO-E consultation on All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology – February 2017
smartEn replied to the to ENTSO-E consultation on All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology.